Sunday, November 27, 2011

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety - blog 4

Vehicle Safety Inspection

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety - blog 3

Vehicle Safety Systems

We checked the Vehicle Safety Systems is very important to safe the driver and passenger.

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety - blog 2

Treaty / Sustainability 

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety

Treaty of Waitangi and Sustainability Worksheet

How does sustainability and freedom from pollution pertain to the treaty?

Instructions: Read the Treaty and answer the questions below. This may be used for theory classroom discussion.

HER MAJESTY VICTORIA Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland regarding with Her Royal Favour the Native Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and anxious to protect their just Rights and Property and to secure to them the enjoyment of Peace and Good Order has deemed it necessary in consequence of the great number of Her Majesty's Subjects who have already settled in New Zealand and the rapid extension of Emigration both from Europe and Australia which is still in progress to constitute and appoint a functionary properly authorised to treat with the Aborigines of New Zealand for the recognition of Her Majesty's Sovereign authority over the whole or any part of those islands – Her Majesty therefore being desirous to establish a settled form of Civil Government with a view to avert the evil consequences which must result from the absence of the necessary Laws and Institutions alike to the native population and to Her subjects has been graciously pleased to empower and to authorise me William Hobson a Captain in Her Majesty's Royal Navy Consul and Lieutenant-Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may be or hereafter shall be ceded to her Majesty to invite the confederated and independent Chiefs of New Zealand to concur in the following Articles and Conditions.

Article the first [Article 1]

The Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand and the separate and independent Chiefs who have not become members of the Confederation cede to Her Majesty the Queen of England absolutely and without reservation all the rights and powers of Sovereignty which the said Confederation or Individual Chiefs respectively exercise or possess, or may be supposed to exercise or to possess over their respective Territories as the sole sovereigns thereof.

Article the second [Article 2]

Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession; but the Chiefs of the United Tribes and the individual Chiefs yield to Her Majesty the exclusive right of Preemption over such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to alienate at such prices as may be agreed upon between the respective Proprietors and persons appointed by Her Majesty to treat with them in that behalf.

Article the third [Article 3]

In consideration thereof Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her royal protection and imparts to them all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects.
(signed) William Hobson, Lieutenant-Governor.
Now therefore We the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand being assembled in Congress at Victoria in Waitangi and We the Separate and Independent Chiefs of New Zealand claiming authority over the Tribes and Territories which are specified after our respective names, having been made fully to understand the Provisions of the foregoing Treaty, accept and enter into the same in the full spirit and meaning thereof in witness of which we have attached our signatures or marks at the places and the dates respectively specified. Done at Waitangi this Sixth day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.

1.  What part of the Treaty relates to pollution and sustainability? Write the phrase that relates here: (If you can’t find it, reread Article 2)

Answer:   Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession

2.  What are ways that modern civilization could pollute the land, the sea, or the air?

Answer: Vehicle Train Airplane and Ship, also we use the paper plastic and we ware the clothes they product process could be pollute the land, the sea, or  the air.

3.  What New Zealand legislation directs what should happen about pollution? (You may need to do an internet search to find this.) Record your answers here:


TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety - blog 1

Bad Customer Experience

Name: …Bin Liu………………
Group: …2……………

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety

Customer Story of a Bad Experience

Instructions: Divide up into small groups. Read the following story, and
discuss the following questions in your small groups. Then write your answers
in the space provided.
This is a true story.
The year was about 1958, in California, before there were strong consumer
laws. Don Higgins owned a laundry and dry cleaning business, in which he
used one of the new Volkswagen bus trade vans for his deliveries. He would
pick up dirty clothes from businesses (like restaurants and auto repair shops),
clean them and deliver them back. He liked his Volkswagen van: it had lots of
space to hang the clothes and it got good fuel economy. Up until recently, it
had been very reliable. But lately the engine wasn’t running very well. The
engine was regularly missing and had low power.
So in the morning, Don took his van to his local auto repair shop. He told them
it needed fixing, maybe just a tune up, and he got a ride back to his cleaning
business. Then in mid-afternoon, he went back to pick up his van.
To his surprise, the van wasn’t ready. If fact, the repair shop owner showed
Don the engine that was now out of the van. The exhaust valve for number 3
cylinder was burnt, causing the poor running engine and lack of power. The
shop owner said he could have the engine fixed and back in the van in 3 or 4
days. And the bill would be about $400.00. (In 1958, this was a lot of money.
Don’s monthly mortgage on his house was only about $120.00 per month.)
Don was very upset. He was so upset that I (Steve McAfee) heard about this
as the little boy who lived next door to Don.
Discussion Questions:
1. From Don’s point of view, what was wrong here? What did the shop do
wrong that upset Don so much. (After all, they were fixing his van.)

Answer: Don only think his van needed fixing, and just a tune up. But the shop does not let Don know and take the engine out of the van, so Don upset.

2. From the repair shop owner’s point of view, what was wrong with Don
getting upset at them? What did they do right or wrong?

Answer: The shop owner does not let Mr Don know and just take the engine out of the van.
I think the shop owner did wrong because take the engine out of the van is a big job and will be cost a lot so if he want to do this before have to let the customer know.

3. What should have been done in this circumstance? If you were Don, what
would you have wanted to be done?

Answer: The shop owner have to ask the customer and told to the customer what does he think about the van got any problem than the customer will be make the decide.
If I am Mr Don I would like the shop owner just wait me and let me to know what's problem and how to fix it and how much will be cost.

4. When the repair was finished, and Don went to pick up his van, he took the
van and did not pay the whole repair bill. Did the repair shop have the right to
hold the van until they got paid?

Answer: Yes.

5. If Don took the repair shop to court, what would you have ruled if you were
the judge? Should the repair shop pay for a replacement rental vehicle?
Should Don pay the whole repair bill? Should the repair shop pay Don for lost
business because he could not pick up and deliver clothes to his customers?

Answer: Consumer Guarantees Act
Yes, the repair shop has to pay.
Yes, Don has to pay the repair bill.
Yes, the repair shop has to pay Don for lost business.

6. What New Zealand laws relate to this story? What do New Zealand laws
say should have been done in this case?


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

TTEC4848 Vehicle Electronic Controls- blog 4 ABS and C.A.N system

A B S 

Anti-lock Braking Systems (off-car)

first I read the wiring diagram and find the each components and wires colour and identify the ABS control unit and ABS motor, also identify the which solenoids control which wheel cylinder.
From this picture we can know four different condition of the inlet and outlet solenoids valves operation:
1.when the normal braking the inlet valve is open and the outlet valve will be closed
2.when the ABS is operating to reduce wheel brake pressure the inlet valve is closed and the outlet valve will be open
3.when the ABS is operating to hold brake pressure the inlet valve is closed and the outlet valve will be closed
4.when the ABS is operating to increase wheel brake pressure the inlet valve is open and the outlet valve will be closed

this photo show us the anti-lock braking system also it show us the wheel speed sensor, this sensor is magnetic sensor.
When we use the oscilloscope to test the sensor we read the voltage is AC voltage. The other photo show us when the wheel speed sensor works how does the oscilloscope show us the voltage waveform is. We measure AC volts with a multi-meter and record is:
Left front  3.2V
Left rear   4.09V
Right front 2.79V
Right rear  2.87V
Also we use the feeler gage to check the
gap size between the sensor and teeth of the wheel and we get if the different gap size would make the voltage different and dirt between the sensor and teeth of the wheel could made same different voltage.

Anti-lock Braking Systems (on-car)

We use the vehicle is MAZDA familia 998, first we checked all of safety solution and than we take the four wheels off and find the wheel speed sensor. Than we use feeler gage to checked all sensor's gap and follow the specification all of them in good condition.
We know the ABS is very important use for safety part of the vehicle and if any problem with the wheel speed sensor it may be told to the ECU wrong condition and the ECU will be made the wrong decided to the wheel.

This board show us the H-CAN and L-CAN works, from the vehicle we know about the Low-CAN system of the vehicle is door locker/ windows/ lights e.g and the High-CAN system is vehicle speed sensor/ ABS/ ESP e.g

We use the oscilloscope to check the low-CAN and High-CAN voltage waveform, and we can see the yellow line is show us the high-CAN waveform and the blue line is the Low-CAN waveform.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

TTEC4848 Vehicle Electronic Controls- blog 3

Oscilloscope Patterns to Capture
From this chapter we use the oscilloscope to test how does each components working when we use real car. 

Fuel Pressure and flow (Petrol only)

First we found the fuel pressure specifications of the engine is 265-304 KPa(2.7-3.1 Kgf/cm2,38-44 psi)
Than we checked from my engine the fuel pressure gauge and we haven't find any leaks from the fuel line. When we turn the key on engine off the record is 240Kpa, this mean the normal fuel pressure in the fuel line is 240Kpa for this engine. Than we did another test: Idling: 250Kpa; Maximum: with the engine idling, use the special tool to clamp the fuel return line the pressure is over 600Kpa and the engine was shake; WOT: we dis connect and plug the vacuum line when the engine idling, record pressure is 310Kpa; Residual: we turn off the engine and wait about five minutes we read the residual pressure is 270Kpa.
From this test I know the fuel pressure is very important of a vehicle, because every vehicle need the fuel, but the fuel need high pressure from fuel tank flow through the fuel line to injector. If the pressure lower would told to the ECU and ECU know the less fuel into the engine so the ECU will make the less air to mixture, than the vehicle cannot get enough power to running. But if high pressure will be waste the fuel because it is rich mixture.

Oxygen Sensor on Vehicle

I found the Oxygen sensor from the Exhaust manifold and it is an one wire type when we test the black wire I know this is an out put signal and also we know this is a Zirconia switching sensor. When we start the engine and we checked it by the oscilloscope, than we know the oxygen sensor connection is good. Even the engine warm up and we hold the rpm about 2500 we read the voltage wave from the oscilloscope and we can see the high voltage is 0.819V the low voltage is 0.169V, also we counts 7 times cross in 10 seconds. After we made the oxygen sensor goes to rich we just accelerating twice and very quickly and we can see the voltage goes up to 0.954V. Than we made it goes lean condition and we read the voltage is drop down to 0.045V.
From experiment we know the oxygen sensor is very important for the vehicle because it can give signal to the ECU how many fuel or air the vehicle need and how far the vehicle has, if the bad oxygen sensor can lose the fuel.

Exhaust Gas Analysis (Petrol only)

First we know the clean emissions should be at idle, when the car already warmed up is:
HC:        less than 100ppm
NOx:       less than 500ppm
O2:       less than 2%
CO2:       over      13%
CO:       less than 1%
We use the car is 1994 HONDA Integra.

1. We put the analyser probe sensing in normal air, we read the four gas is:
CO: 0% is mean not much CO in the normal air.
HC: 7ppm is mean not much unburnt fuel in the normal air
CO2: 0% is mean CO2 no much in the normal air
O2: 10.89% is mean in the normal air has very rich O2

2. When the engine start and in idling cold condition we record the four gas reading is CO: 0.73% HC: 471ppm CO2: 13.92% O2: 0.64%.
From this reading we know when the engine start the engine is cold so the unburnt fuel is higher so the HC is more than specification, but the other data is good.

3. when the engine has warmed up the reading is CO: 0.65% HC: 347ppm CO2: 13.54% O2: 1.7% λ:1.043

4. when the warm engine at 2500 RPM the reading is CO: 0.01% HC: 29ppm CO2: 14.93% O2: 0.17% λ: 1.007

5. at idle when we disconnect the MAP sensor we made the engine in rich mixture the reading is CO: 11.46% HC: 452ppm CO2: 7.77% O2: 0.23% λ: 0.737

6. at idle when we remove the PCV we made the engine in a lean condition with a vacuum leak and the reading is CO: 0.001% HC: 79ppm CO2: 12.77% O2: 3.20% λ: 1.168

From these experiment we know the emission test is good for check a vehicle running and the oxygen sensor also good for the engine mixture.

TTEC4848 Vehicle Electronic Controls- blog 2 on car test

Engine Electronic Control Systems
    On-car test
From these test we used TOYOTA 4A-FE engine to test Input sensors and Actuators On-car.

Throttle Position Sensor(TPS)
First we found the TPS of the engine, and checked this TPS is four pin type. We use voltmeter checked four wires and we know: Red- 5V ref voltage/ Black & white- Signal output/ Blue- Idle speed/ Brown- Ground. After we checked the voltage change when we open the throttle, and we turn the ignition on but not start the engine we half open the throttle we could read the voltage is 2.17V, than we fully open the throttle we read is 3.88V, also we slowly open the throttle from close position to fully open position and checked from the voltmeter, the voltage readings is slowly increase. It is mean this TPS in good condition.
Than we start engine and open the throttle position we could hear the different from close position to open position, the engine speed was increase. So we could know if disconnect the TPS and the ECU cannot know how many air from intake to engine so the ECU cannot put correct fuel to mixture.

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
We found the ECT from my engine bottom and it is tow wire: White- Signal/ Brown- Ground. We use voltmeter to read the DC volts is 3.8V and this reading from the cold engine, than we start the engine and wait about few minutes when the engine warming up we checked the voltage again and we are reading is 0.45V. So it's mean the ECT works good and connection is good. Follow the work sheet we checked the ground coolant temperature sensor and we got the reading is 0.0085V less than 0.05V.
If bad connection of the ECT it will be give the ECU wrong signal,and the ECU would not made right signal to the other system, because the ECU cannot know the engine in which situation cold or warm.

Mass Air Flow sensor (MAF)
From this car we found the MAF sensor is hot wire type and it has five pin: Black- Battery/ Green- Ref. signal/ Yellow & Black- 5V from ECU/ Brown- Ground/ Blue- none, we know the green wire is signal feed back to ECU. 
In the test we use multimeter to check the Hz we were read is 0.2Hz, than we checked voltage is 0.6V, so we know it has good connection and in the good condition. Than we start the car when the engine is cold we read is 1.17V, after few minutes we step on the throttle to get quick, but just short acceleration of the engine. We record the increased reading on the meter: 2.3V.

Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP)
We found the CMP is tow pin type, it has tow wires and after use voltmeter checked we know: White- Ground/ Black- Signal.
We checked DC volts: 0.1-0.3V, AC volts:1-3.7V, Hz:100-160Hz(when accelerated 25Hz higher) and % Duty Cycle:75%(when accelerated we got same reading)
From this test we know the CMP is signal to the ECU, than ECU telling the coils when to fire. The information is critical, because an engine can only run properly if the spark plugs fire near the top of the compression stroke, and the computer would be unable to adjust the ignition timing to compensate for driving conditions without that information.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

TTEC4848 Vehicle Electronic Controls- blog 1 off car

Engine Electronic Control Systems--Sensors
off car check
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor(potentiometer) or Throttle Position Switch
Function: is to supply information to the ECU about the position of the car's throttle.
Malfunctioning of a TPS can result in improper data being fed to the ECU, which monitors engine performance, in respect to the fuel efficiency of the car.

How to check a Throttle Position Sensor?
1.we have to know the meaning of each pin: Vcc(power supply from ECU), E2(ground), VTA(the signal go back to ECU), IDL(throttle position of Ideal speed )
2.we use voltmeter to check the voltage of the throttle position angle

CTS (Coolant Temperature Sensor)
THW (Thermistor Water)
ECT (Engine Coolant Temperature)

We checked the thermistor of water first we know it will be control the engine coolant system, when the temperature change than it change the ohms so the signal voltage has change. Than told to ECU which temperature does engine have and also it can switch on/off the fan to coolant engine.

We put the thermistor into water and heat the water and check the temperature with a thermometer and use the ohmmeter measure the resistance between the terminals.
The manufacturer's specifications
Temperature             Resistance
(deg C)                 (ohms)
     -10                7,000-12,000
      20                 2,000-3,000
      50                   700-1,000
    80                   200-400
       85+               Less than 200

Data from my experiment

Water temperature           Resistance
   (deg C)                   (ohms)
     20                      2,500
     30                      1,760
     40                      1,250
    50                       880
    60                       600
    70                       450
    80                       330
    90                       185
we can see the experiment data follow the manufacturer's specifications, and proved the water temperature changed the thermistor resistance.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Experiment - Oxygen sensor circuit

Oxygen sensor circuit diagram
Components list:
Zener Diode: D1 = 9V1 IzRm 5.6mA
Diodes: D2/D3/D4=1N4001 Diode,Max Pd=2.5W,Max I=1A@75OC, MAX reverse voltage=100V.
LED: red/yellow/green=1.8V 9.5mA
Resistors: R2/3/4  =  1K Ω
               R5        = 410Ω
               R6        = 10KΩ
               R7        = 271Ω
               R8        = 470Ω
Capacitors: C1&C2= 0.1uF
Op-Amp = LM324


From diagram we know R6=10K and power supply is 12V,also we know from signal power supply is 0-1V. On the diagram we can see the voltage drop between R6 and R8 is 0.63V, the voltage drop between R8 and R7 is 0.23V.
So we can use these information to calculate:






Oxygen sensor circuit test on a bread board

From this test I found a big problem with my Operational Amplifier. When I built this circuit than use a power supply machine which supply 12V power and a voltage limit machine which can change voltage between 0-1Volt supply to the signal(sensor input). When I test my circuit I saw only the yellow LED could turn on and when I change the power supply of signal from 0-1volt the other two LED didn't bright, than I checked the circuit, it connect well also I use multimeter to test each components, I couldn't find any problem with them. Than I asked tutor, he said connect power supply and test each pin of Op-Amp. I did it, and found some pins reading were incorrect. So I change an Op-Amp, than my circuit works very well.

Those reading from my test I changed the signal power supply between 0-1volt and I can see the different LED was bright also I can read the available voltage change from the pins of an Op-Amp. It tell us how did these components work, with a vehicle the yellow LED bright is mean normal condition above 14.7:1, when the red LED bright is mean rich condition O2-less but fuel-much, when the green LED bright is mean lean condition O2-much but fuel-less.

On the other hand I checked current flow of D1=4.9mA, between R6 and R8 above 0.847A, after R7 above 0.88A, and before the three LEDs above 8.5mA. All of these measurment same as datasheet and calculations.

Than I am going to sold my real circuit...

This is my real circuit, now it works very well. But before when I test it, it got a problem. When I connect power supply and change the signal power supply between 0-1volt the yellow LED bright, when the green LED or red LED turn on or turn off so I use multimeter to check available voltage of the yellow LED circuit, and when I checked D3 and I couldn't get reading from component side but I can get reading from soldering side, than I told to tutor he said this called "dry welding" is mean we can see the welding is very well but the pin doesn't connect to the solder, so it doesn't connect the circuit.

Real circuit test on engine

From these to videos we can see when we switch on an engine and use this circuit to test Oxygen sensor and use multimeter to check the sensor's available voltage we can know how does Oxygen sensor works and when the Oxygen sensor change condition it told to the ECU, than the ECU will be supply more oxygen or more fuel into engine make this balance.